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Bridal Bouquet $100-$400

Bridal Bouquet $100-$400


At The Barefoot Florist NZ, we offer beautiful bridal bouquets starting at $100, tailored to your preferences and budget. Whether you want a classic, modern, or bohemian bouquet, we can create one that suits your style and personality. As a personal item, we understand the importance of making your bouquet unique and special to you. You can be involved in the process, or leave it to Jen to create a stunning arrangement for you. We will personally deliver your bouquet and show you how to hold it perfectly on your big day.

  • Your flowers will be...

    A bridal bouquet, made to measure!

  • If there is an issue...

    I will be there on your special day to make sure all is perfect!

  • Your personal florist...

    I will deliver in person!

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